How to make more money part 1

Good day to all! Today's article on how to make more money is part one. On the Internet there exists, if not a great many, then at least the majority of authors who provide reprint rights, resale rights and private rights to their products.

This is essentially an advantage both for beginning entrepreneurs, and for those info businessmen who have large subscription lists, since you can not create your own products, but simply redeem the above rights.
But this will soon lead to a glut of the market. In our inboxes, we see in the inbox letters with the same content sent according to the same scheme, but with different domain names and, probably, bonuses.
For this reason, many Internet entrepreneurs have a minimum profit, which, of course, does not suit them. In this article, you will learn how to create an advantage over competitors by using this scheme and selling the same products that you have access to.

We earn money from the Internet

There are several ways in which you can earn great money using the reprint, resale rights that you acquired.
The first method is to be the first to know about the product and the first to send an offer to your target subscribers. To do this, you must use all possible methods of potential finding your target client.

Find your potential customer

For example, in our case, use popular bulletin boards, create short e-zines (small articles) and publish them on similar thematic resources, contextual ads on low-frequency queries (now it is becoming popular), purchase links from high-quality resources. Here, all means are good. No need to get hung up on any one marketing tool.
Successful sellers today who made a lot of money using resale rights were usually the first to send their offers to their lists (subscription lists), attracted partners, electronic magazines, newsletters and so on.
The second method is to create a simple one-page prospectus, the so-called landing page (landing Page-entry page) with the name of your info feed and the form of subscription. This subscription form is a real wealth. I will explain why. You are acting with a long range.
First, a potential interested customer, trusting you, leaves his email address. You, as a competent info businessman, compose a series of short letters in which you do not immediately mention your offer.
The trick is that you first establish contact, and then sell on the forehead. About 10-12 of these letters are enough to send the first sales, and you will receive your earned money. This is often the longest, but proven way to make a profit. Immediately "cut the dough" will not succeed. Always work for the long term. Having understood this simple scheme, you will again and again receive profit and an increasing flow of customers to your pages.

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