
Showing posts from January, 2020

How to add fullscreen Youtube video background on wordpress

Many top brands embed background videos on their landing pages to make them more interesting. It is the videophone that attracts the attention of visitors when moving objects appear on it. In this article, we will show you through a practical example how to add a YouTube video as a full-screen background in WordPress. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Add Youtube Video Background to Wordpress First of all, you need to install and activate mb.YTPlayer for the background video plugin. After activation, go to Settings »mb.YTPlayer to configure the settings. Setting background video plugin options First enter the destination URL of the YouTube video you want to add as a background. By default, all options are active for most sites, but you can configure them as you wish. You can add video controls, proportions, video quality, start and end times, etc. There is the option to turn off the video, show or hide the controls, and loop the video. Then review the settin...

How to add style to a single wordpress blog post

You probably at least once, but have come across sites on which the style of notes has been differently designed. From site to site you can observe the trend of “sticky” entries highlighted in a special color or, for example, each post from a separate category is made in a special style. You’ll ask how to achieve this, so that each post has its own CSS styling. I will disclose the details below. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Unique style for every post in WordPress Note: You will also need to make changes to the custom CSS file. To do this, you need to have basic skills and an understanding of how styles work in layout and programming. Creating Style for Individual Individual Posts in Wordpress WordPress adds default CSS classes to each individual item. A standard compatible WordPress theme must have the code required by WordPress to add CSS classes for the body tag, individual posts, pages, widgets, menus, etc. The main WordPress function, called post_cla...

How to make custom background color on wordpress?

If it is possible to dynamically change the background color in WordPress. Colors play an important role in how users see your site and how they interact. In this article, we will show you how to randomly change the background color in WordPress. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Method 1: Adding an Arbitrary Background Color Change through Code In this way, we will add code to our WordPress files. Try this method only if you are comfortable embedding snippets from the web into WordPress. First you need to add this code to the functions.php file of your theme or plugin for a specific site: function wpb_bg() { $rand = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); $color ='#'.$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)]. $rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)]; ...

How to display popular posts by day, week, month in wordpress

Why not organize popular records on your website for the day, week, month, and all the time? Popular notes on your blog allow you to quickly find the most relevant and relevant content that engages the user in the process of exploring and viewing more pages. It is in this note that we will tell you how to achieve this. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Display popular entries for the day, week, month and all time Why Do I Need To Display Popular Posts When you start your blog, you do not have many articles, which allows you to manually display the selected posts in the sidebar widget. However, as your site grows, you will notice that no one is already viewing the older articles on your site. By displaying your main content, you allow new users to quickly find the best articles on your site. This increases the activity of users on your website and increases the number of page views. Now the problem is that if you display all the popular articles, then a very li...

How to change the url in the wordpress site search form

Do you need to change the default search URL pool in WordPress? Standard slug urls when searching for information on the site are not the most convenient. In this tutorial, we will show you how to easily change the default search URL in WordPress and make it more optimized and user friendly. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Changing the search URL on the CNC Why Do I Need To Change the Search Url In Wordpress WordPress uses the SEO URL structure for all pages on your site. Typical WordPress CNC friendly URLs are as follows: http : // example . com / some - page / http : // example . com / 2018 / 03 / some - article / http : // example . com / category / some - category / If you don’t know how to install standard WordPress search on the site that we are talking about in this article, then click on the link. As you can see from the example, these URLs are easy and understandable not only for people, but also for search engines. And WordPress itself offe...

Cool wordpress site search plugins

In today's Article, I’ll talk about how you can improve your WordPress site search using these plugins. You probably wondered, but did not know what specifically to apply. A standard WordPress site search provides limited functionality. And these plugins will give free rein to your imagination. So let's get started. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Searchwp SearchWP - WordPress Site Search Plugin SearchWP is a cool and powerful search plugin for WordPress. It is fairly easy to use and its results are more accurate. It allows you to search for a keyword in the post / page title, content, categories, tags, taxonomy, announcements and even comments . You can control the algorithm by assigning a weight to each type of content from 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest. Once activated, the plugin automatically indexes your content and replaces the default search function in WordPress. Adding a Taxonomy Search on A Site Search for taxonomy filter on WordPres...

6 Best Spelling Checker Plugins And Services On Wordpress (2020)

Are you looking for the best tools for checking errors, spelling text in WordPress? Most browsers already have built-in spellcheckers, but they do not check the grammar and readability of your posts. In this post, we've compiled a selection of the best grammar checking tools you can use with WordPress. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Spell Checker Services WHY ADD A WORDPRESS SPELL CHECKER? We will not hide, but even the most writers, bloggers make mistakes. Just proofreading your copyrighted articles often leads to the appearance of small careless errors, mistakes, grammar mistakes, because we often strive to go through our checklist. One way to overcome the problem is to read your articles aloud. Listening to your own voice can help you find mistakes and improve the overall readability of your articles. These tools are designed to avoid the appearance of various errors in your text and check spelling in a thorough manner. Thus, the content on the site ...

How to Add a Page to a Wordpress Site

Today will be the simplest article and it will concern only those who first time get acquainted with the WP engine, namely, we will learn how to create WordPress pages with you. Experienced brothers do not have such a problem, but for those who are very young and have no experience, the article will be of great benefit. It also has an interest in terms of search queries: people ask “often to create a page on WordPress” quite often, but I don’t have it on my blog. This must be urgently corrected. So let's get started. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE How to Add a Page on Wordpress through the Admin Panel It is very simple. To do this, you need to go inside your admin panel and on the left side you will see a panel with all the available tools, among which you will find our desired item. It’s called “Pages”. If you bring it to the mouse, then you will be available either all pages, or the item "Add new". Adding a New Page to WordPress After completi...

How to Choose a Website Builder in 2018? Review and Comparison

Web site designers are just the perfect start for small businesses and individuals. You do not need to hire a developer and pay him money. Any of your undertakings can be tested, so to speak, with little effort. I don’t argue that you also have to pay for the constructor, but believe me, this is a small amount. In this article we will give examples of foreign designers, some of which have a language interface. So let's get started. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Review of the best designers for the site Choosing the Best Designer - What to Look For In the End Before starting a review of web site designers, you need to understand what tasks do you want to solve with it? What are your goals, what do you want from your project and what functions should it fulfill? You can, for example, fix such things as: the site must have a blog, photo gallery , online store , online booking system, contact form , slider , etc. If you have not yet decided what will be on...

A Quick Hosting Review for Your Internet Projects

Today’s article, I dedicate a review to the service that provides VPS / VDS hosting services for web projects Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Why Exactly This Company? - Firstly, This hosting provider is located   has many data centers abroad: Germany, the USA, the Netherlands, Finland. - Secondly, A round-the-clock technical support service. You can always quickly resolve the issue through the ticket system. - Thirdly, The free ISPmanager panel. - Fourth,   Free administration services for clients - Fifth, Free backup - Sixth, Free domain name services (DNS) Just compare with the same set of services from a shared hosting Comparison of Hosting and conventional hosting services Thanks to the ticket system, you can quickly get your answer to a question. Ticket hosting system - get a quick response within 15 minutes Hosting Service Offer from Hosting You can choose from several tariff plans to start: simple hosting, VPS / V...

How to duplicate a wordpress database using phpmyadmin

Want to make a copy of your WordPress database via phpMyAdmin? WordPress stores all site data in a MySQL database. Often a copy of the database is needed when transferring a site or when it is manually backed up. In this article I will tell you how easy it is to make a copy of the database through phpMyAdmin. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE How to easily duplicate a database Why Use Phpmyadmin To Duplicate A Database WordPress stores all site content in a database. Almost all WordPress hosting companies offer a database management system - MySQL. You can work with MySQL using command line tools, however it is not quite easy for beginners. That's why PhpMyAdmin is needed, because it offers a web interface for managing a MySQL database. With it, you can make a manual backup of the database ,   restore the administrator password,   or move the site to another server. Having said all this, let's return to the main thing - how to duplicate a WordPress data...

How to create a corporate network on wordpress?

WordPress is a powerful platform with many of the most flexible options, and it is very suitable for creating a corporate network. In this article, I’ll show you how to create a WordPress intranet for your organization while maintaining privacy and security. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE Creating a Corporate WordPress Intranet What Is an Intranet or Extranet? Why Is Wordpress Suitable For Building A Corporate Network? An intranet or extranet is a communication platform used by an organization to exchange messages, files, announcements, and other organizational materials. WordPress is great for creating an internal network of any organization, as It is easy to maintain, open source. Thousands of all kinds of plugins have been developed for it, which are needed to add a wide variety of functions that you may need. The intranet runs on a private corporate network. Typically, an office IT system is connected via cable or wireless network adapters. One computer...

How to reduce the number of months in a wordpress archive?

Want to reduce the number of months displayed in the archive? Such a desire may well arise if you have a website for several years and the list of archived months is too cumbersome. In this article, I’ll show you how to limit the number of archived months displayed in WordPress. Click here : Website Designing Services UAE How to limit the number of archived months Method Number 1. Reduce The Number Of Months In The Archive Using A Special Plugin This method is the simplest and preferred for all users. To start the task, download and activate the Collapsing Archives plugin. If you have any difficulties with this, then read my step-by-step instructions on how to install WordPress plugins . After activation, go to the Appearance »Widgets page    and add the CollapsingArchives widget to the sidebar. Adding the Collapsing Archives widget to the sidebar Extend the widget menu to see all the settings. The Collapsing Archives widget uses the JavaScript language t...